When to Replace Brake Pads

When to Replace Brake Pads

When Should You Replace Your Brake Pads?

How Do I Know If I Need New Brake Pads?

Even as vehicles move into a more technological era with innovative smart features, your brakes remain as one of the top safety and performance features in your car. After all, stopping and slowing down on command and where you need is one of the top ways to avoid fender benders, all while drifting through a corner on the track requires strict knowledge of how to slow down and engage your brakes at precise moments. However, your brakes wear overtime—and knowing when to get your brake pads replaced is key in helping your vehicle cruise in peak condition. Stick with us today as we cover brake maintenance basics—and schedule your brake pad service online at Lupient Nissan of Brooklyn Park near St. Paul, MN.

The Magic Number—How Many Miles Will Your Brake Pads Last?

Unlike your oil changes or fluid top-offs, there’s no set number of miles to drive before you get your brake pads replaced. Instead, this brake component lasts anywhere between 25,000 miles-65,000 miles on average, which is quite the range for guessing when to schedule maintenance. However, your driving habits will determine where in that range you’re more likely to land to help make scheduling your service easier—for example, do you frequently cruise in stop-and-go traffic during your daily commutes or get stuck in rush hour in big cities? If so, you’ll likely need to schedule pad replacements more frequently since you’re engaging your brakes more often. On the other hand, if your drives are mostly on flowing highways and you don’t often brake hard, you’ll likely see your brake pads reach closer to the 65,000-mile mark if not beyond.

What Are the Signs You Need Brake Pad Service?

So, if there’s no set mileage number, how do you know when it’s time to replace your brake pads? One of the most obvious signs is an obnoxious squealing or grinding sound when you try to stop your car, as your pads have worn to the point where your rotors are essentially scraping against each other—and if you neglect service too long, you’ll eventually need to replace the entire brake system sooner than usual.

Next, do you smell a strange burning sensation as you cruise? While the exact cause can result from a variety of issues, the culprit is usually worn pads, as your rotors and calipers are creating excess friction without your brake pads in place to buffer the rubbing—again, schedule service (and don’t be afraid to have our technicians look for other parts of your car if your brakes aren’t the issue here).

Smooth Exhilaration Ahead: Brake Service near Minneapolis

There’s plenty to love about cruising with a Nissan vehicle, whether it’s attacking a turn in your 2023 Z or hitting the brakes for a precise stop during your urban adventures in your Rogue. Either way, your brakes play a massive role in this premium cruising experience—so, schedule your brake pad service at Lupient Nissan of Brooklyn Park today to help keep your drives in peak shape. Our team is also here to help in any way possible, whether you want to learn more about when the signs of changing brake pads is a good idea or if you have questions about helping your Nissan drive like new—it’s only the start of how we’ll step up as your local service center.